Due to the increase in the population of the world so rapidly, the demand and need for water increases as well. Also, because of the low level of rainfall caused the shortage of water in some parts of the world. That’s why we need to play our part to save the most important need of our life, which is water. Water supply leak detection Brisbane is also a solution to the water shortage issue. So we need to look for leaks in water tanks or pipes even if it is small and repair it. 

But there are some water leaks that are very difficult to spot because they are so small and slow. Some homeowners also show carelessness towards this issue and ignore the leaks. They do not understand that if the water from these small leaks summed up, it will be thousands of gallons of water in a year. Think that if every homeowner does the same, then where will they stand in the next few years.  

The leakage of water in your house will not only become the cause of the shortage of water, but it also weakens the structure of your house. These weakly structured houses are very dangerous to live in because they can collapse and deteriorate faster and cause injuries to the members of the house. The places where you can find leaks are pool leaks Brisbane, water pipe leaks, water tank leaks etc.

You can detect the leakage of water in your place by checking different areas in your house periodically, or you can install the water leak detection device which is available commercially. If we talk about the water leak detection system, they are of two types

  • Passive leak detection system
  • Active leak detection system

Passive leak detection system: 

Generally, these systems are battery-operated stand-alone devices. The alarm is produced by this device when its moisture sensor becomes wet. It will help the homeowners to detect where the leakage is, and he will do the necessary repairs immediately. The battery of these devices should be checked regularly because they are battery dependent which needs to be replaced often.

Active leak detection system:

Active leak detection Brisbane works almost the same as the passive one. They produce an alarm when they detect leakage, but unlike the passive detection system, they automatically stop the flow of water, which is a plus point. They have two types of sensors, either a flow sensor or a moisture sensor