Looking for magnesite floor? Antique houses or homes built around the 1940s are highly likely to have floors made of magnesite. In case you’re wondering what that is, magnesite floor is a type of cement made using magnesium oxychloride. The substance is different from the usual cement as aggregates and fillers like sawdust or wood chips are incorporated into it. Magnesite flooring offers many benefits. 

Benefits of Magnesite Floor

The included fillers enhance the durability of magnesite. They make it more long-lasting than cement. This kind of floor is also resistant to grease and oils. It’s non-combustible and lightweight. Magnesite helps keep a house cool during the day, especially in the hot summer seasons. magnesite floor

Carpets started becoming more popular during the 1980s and many homes that initially had magnesite flooring had installed carpets on top. That used to cause issues like putting and chipping. Some people would hammer nails over the magnesite to install carpets or linoleum flooring. Fortunately, it’s very easy to repair magnesite flooring today.

If you discover that your house’s floor is original magnesite, then you can have it repaired. Repairing this type of floor can, however, be expensive. That’s especially if the damages are rampant. But, restoring this floor to its original beauty can increase the value of your home on the market.

As mentioned, magnesite is a unique flooring material. One of the things that make it unique is its coloration. The material ranges from translucent to opaque and features calcium, carbonates, oxides, manganese, iron, and aluminum. Because of all these chemicals, magnesite flooring must be cared for properly.

After Restoration of the Floor

Once your flooring has been restored to its original beauty, maintaining it is easy. One of the best maintenance practices includes using non-oil cleaners. When you continually put oil on it, you’ll have to stripe off the residue. That can be very expensive.

Avoid using substances like Pine-Sol and instead treat your magnesite the same way you would treat wooden flooring. You should use a polyurethane finish.


Magnesite floor is one of the best floorings for those who love antique characteristics. If you find out that your house has this type of floor, restore it to its original glory. That way, the value of your home will increase significantly. And in case you plan to sell the home, you’ll be in a better position to negotiate a better deal.