The art of domestic pest control can be tricky to master, but it’s necessary for many homeowners. But, as with most things given to public debate, it can be hard to know exactly what you’re getting into.

Pest control services come in many forms. Some of them are familiar, and others we know less about. There are, however, some common misconceptions when it comes to hiring exterminators.

The following are the main ones that need to be dealt with.

“I Don’t Need It”

One of the most common misconceptions about pest control is that you don’t need to call in experts. You may think you can handle a problem yourself. But without the proper tools and training, it’s not worth taking a risk with your home.

domestic pest control

An untrained person could make matters worse by spreading germs and diseases or damaging your property. A professional will know how to use the right equipment for your problem.

“Cleanliness Is The Best Recourse”

This is true to a certain extent, but it’s not the end-all-be-all solution. The reality is that pests are drawn to dirty places because there’s more food, humidity, and shelter.

But many pests like bedbugs, rodents, and termites thrive even in clean or dry places. So, if you live in an infestation-prone area, sanitation alone won’t cut it.

“Fumigation Is The Only Option”

Although fumigation is a popular option for many, it’s not often necessary. Fumigation is a treatment for severe infestations of pests like bed bugs or cockroaches, which you presumably can’t otherwise eliminate.

There are plenty of other methods of domestic pest control at Kingscliff or elsewhere, depending on what you’re dealing with. From simple methods like traps or baiting to approaches like heat treatment, anything is fair game.

“You Need to Hire Someone Again and Again”

Many believe that once they hire a pest control company, they need to keep hiring them over and over again. While this is true in some cases, it is not always the case. Pest management professionals don’t just offer extermination services. They also provide tips for long-term prevention and care.


You might be surprised by how many misconceptions about domestic pest control there are. But hopefully, after reading this article, you understand some of the biggest misunderstandings surrounding pest control services. Domestic pest control is a booming and necessary business and only seems to be growing in popularity among homeowners.