Wouldn’t it be great to unblock a blocked drain in just a couple of hours? Well, you’re in luck. Here I’ve included seven steps for anyone who’s ever had a blocked drain in Turramurra, so you can get that drain unblocked fast and sleep easy tonight.

Identify the cause

The first step is to figure out what’s causing the drain to become blocked. If it’s backed up with hair or other materials, then you’ll need to remove them by hand or with a snake tool. If there’s standing water in your sink or tub, then it’s likely that something is clogging the overflow hole in the bottom of your fixture, and you better call a plumber in Turramurra.

Use boiling water

This tip works well for small clogs that have built up over time. Boil some water in a kettle and pour it down your drain until the water runs clear. This method can also be used on grease traps in commercial kitchens.

blocked drain in Turramurra

Check the trap

If you can’t get rid of the water, first check that the trap is clear. A blocked trap can cause a backed-up sink or bath or prevent a toilet from flushing properly. If you put food down the sink or flush too much paper down the toilet, this may be your problem.

Use a plunger

A plunger creates suction that will draw water and other contents of the blocked drain into the bowl. You’ll know that your plunger is working properly when you see the water level in your sink or tub rise and the clog begins to move toward it.

Clear out the pipes

If your pipes are blocked with grease, hair or food scraps, it will be almost impossible for any tool to break through that clog. The first step is to remove whatever is blocking the pipe. If you don’t know what’s causing it, use a long screwdriver and poke around inside until you find something that doesn’t belong there.

Use chemicals

If the drain is slow to drain and has a foul odour, you may have a buildup of grease or soap scum that needs to be cleaned out. You can try pouring baking soda down the drain, followed by vinegar or a commercial product such as Drano or Liquid Plumber. If none of these work, call in a plumber for the blocked drain Turramurra fixed.

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