Carpets are an integral part of our home furnishing and after the installation we spend again on carpet cleaning Sydney. We tend to spend a good deal of money on purchasing matching high quality carpets to make our place look neat and tidy. And carpets do this job quite nicely. But apart from their high prices, the bad part is their cleaning and maintenance. Investment on carpets is usually so much that they cannot be replaced sooner. Their fibers are always more likely to absorb more dust particles than the regular wooden or tiled floors. Even vacuuming sometimes doesn’t help much. Here we will talk about a couple of daily life hacks or some quick fixes that would help you maintain your carpets and would ensure much comprehensive cleaning.

Carpet Dents

When we place some furniture items on carpets, once removed they leave dents and very bad looking marks on the carpet. For this you need to take some well-frozen ice cubes according to the place need to be repaired, place these cubes on affected parts of carpets and let them melt there. Once the water mark is gone, you will notice that the dent is also repaired. You will notice an even level on the carpets.

Carpet stains

Carpet stains are another matter of concern. A house having more kids or even any room with more traffic is more likely to leave stains on the carpet, sometimes in hurry we spill milk or other drinks on the carpet while walking and these marks look very ugly. Carpet stains cannot be removed with regular stuff like you cannot wash it away with regular detergents. For this, you need to first blot the stain, now spray some regular shaving cream on the stain. Let it sit for 10 to 15 minutes and then clean it with a piece of cloth. You will notice the stain is immediately gone.

Carpet odor

Just like the dust particles, carpets are more likely to absorb odors of all types. Odor absorbed by carpets doesn’t go away at its own. To completely remove this odor, sprinkle a good amount of baking soda on the carpet and let it sit there for a couple of hours. Now remove the baking soda and you will experience the fresh fragrance all around the room. Odor is no more there.

All of these hacks would prevent you from expensive quality cleaning service.