There are several ventilation systems available out there which can be used in houses and buildings. All of them provide the same type of ventilation service but the main difference is that they all work differently. Some work without power while some need power to operate. Some can cause fuss while installation due to too large or too small sizes while some can easily be installed. Similarly, some are quite costly while some can be easily bought. These show there are few options when it comes to ventilation systems for homes.

The energy ventilation system is one of the types of ventilation used in houses. This system, as seen from the name, works fully on energy supply but have a controlled way of working which makes it energy efficient. In winter, they have a system of keeping the already present warm air inside safe which keeps the cold air outside and the incoming fresh air warmer. On the other hand, in summer, the opposite happens and no cost is required for extra cooling or heating the house and in this way, this system saves from cost loss. 

There are two types of energy recovery ventilation systems for homes; heat recovery ventilators and energy recovery ventilators. Both types are quite similar in the parts as both of them are equipped with heat exchanger, control panel and fans to push air through the system. These systems come in different sizes from wall-mounted window-sized ones to central, whole-house units. Their duct system can be either shared or separate. The only difference between both of these systems is the heat exchanger. In an energy recovery ventilation system, it creates humidity while air is exchanged and on the other hand, heat recovery ventilator doesn’t create vapor and keeps the air dry. 

As the energy recovery system creates humidity, it keeps the moisture inside the ducts making it ideal for cold weather. When the dry cold air comes in this humidity keeps the moisture level constant keeping it more likely to remain warmer. On the other hand, in summer heat recovery ventilation systems are ideal as they remove all the humidity present in the air as the humid air pass through the vents.

Both of these work differently in both seasons which make them unfavorable for opposite seasons and in this case. They can only be chosen if the area you live if quite warm or cold which may keep both of them working properly.