A leaky roof can be a homeowner’s worst nightmare. Depending on the extent of the damage, the work can take weeks to finish. If you wish to prevent any issues with your roof, it is time to look at the advantages of roof coatings. They are basically an additional layer of protection for your roof against the elements.

What Are Roof Coatings?

In Brisbane, roof coatings are usually thin membranes that seal the materials. They basically form a barrier to keep sunlight, rain, hail and dirt at bay. By using these coatings, you can expect to dramatically increase the lifespan of your roof. Get in touch with a company that uses high quality products that can be used in restorations, renovations and new roofs.

Choose the Best Materials

Roof specialists will only work with the best materials available in Brisbane. Roof coatings that have been developed and made in Australia consider the special conditions of the country to make them more durable. Roof coatings should be waterproof, dirt repellent and environmentally friendly. You can expect all of this from the waterproof membranes that are made from 100% acrylic. This is the best material for this type of application because it offers the highest resistance to ultra violet light. Always ensure that the roof coatings used in your home have been manufactured according to the AS/NZ 4858.2004 standards.

Other Benefits

High quality roof coatings are fungi and algae resistant. They are also vapour permeable, which reduces the accumulation of gasses and moisture. The material has low water absorption to protect the structure from corrosion. The roof coating systems withstand cyclic movement and allow for thermal expansion and contraction. Roof coatings have shown no signs of deterioration and have remained flexible and crack free. Talk to your roofing specialist about your options and make your roof even more resistant.