If you’re new to cooking or just looking to upgrade your kitchen, it can be hard to know where to start. There are so many gadgets and appliances out there, and it can be tough to figure out which ones are really necessary. To help you get started, we’ve compiled a list of the 4 most essential kitchen equipment in Brisbane that every home cook needs. 

1. A set of high-quality knives:

A good knife set is essential for any home cook — especially if you plan on preparing meals at home more often than eating out or ordering takeout. Choosing the right knives for your needs can be difficult (and expensive), but it pays off in the long run by helping make prep work easier and faster in the kitchen. If you’re just getting started with cooking, we recommend starting with a basic range of knives.

kitchen equipment in Brisbane

2. Dutch oven or large pot:

A Dutch oven is one of the most versatile pieces of equipment you can have in your kitchen. It’s perfect for stews, braises, soups and more. If you don’t have a Dutch oven yet, it’s an item worth adding to your shopping list. You can find them at almost any store that sells cookware, and they come in many sizes and materials. We recommend getting one that has a thick bottom so it won’t burn food or scorch on the stovetop.

3. A good nonstick frying pan:

Nonstick frying pans are great commercial kitchen equipment for sale because they make cooking eggs easy — just spray them with some cooking spray or oil and crack an egg right into the pan! They also make omelets easy because you can flip them over without having to worry about getting eggs stuck to your spatula or ruining your pan. A good nonstick frying pan should be durable enough that it won’t warp when used regularly but not too heavy that you feel like it takes forever to clean up afterwards.

4. Cutting board:

Cutting boards come in all shapes and sizes, but no matter what kind you choose (wooden, plastic or bamboo), one thing is certain: You need at least two cutting boards: one for raw meat and poultry; another for everything else (including produce). The reason for this is simple: Raw meats harbor bacteria that can contaminate other foods if they come into contact with them. So storing raw meat separately from other foods is important.

You can’t go wrong with any of this kitchen equipment in Brisbane.

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