This week we tackled a little two day work. We spent the day laying vinyl flooring over vinyl flooring. This can be precarious to get right however with the right data and methodology, any do-it-without anyone’s help er and mortgage holder can tackle an occupation like this with certainty. As dependably I will list all devices and materials you should lay vinyl flooring over vinyl flooring.

Being a mortgage holder you will no doubt claim these instruments. If not, you can get them at your neighborhood handyman shop and not need to stress as you will have the capacity to utilize any of these recorded apparatuses on numerous occasions.

  1. Firstly and most clearly you should get out the zone. On the off chance that it’s your kitchen it is constantly best to evacuate your icebox and stove to run the deck under them.
  2. Utilizing your sledge and level bar, it’s an ideal opportunity to evacuate any base board embellishment or quarter round trip from around the edges of your floor. On the off chance that you are going to just reuse your old embellishment try not to break any of your pieces as your evacuating them. Seeing as your running with a fresh out of the box new floor I would propose supplanting all the trim. It depends how beat up the old trim is and your financial plan.
  3. Review your floor. Search for air pockets and free regions. Utilizing your extremely sharp edge, w/a standard cutting edge cut out and expel these awful territories.
  4. Vacuum the floor of all soil and flotsam and jetsam to keep it out of your skim coat.
  5. Presently it’s a great opportunity to skim coat the floor. We utilized a Henry 547 Universal Patch and Skim Coat. This skim coat just gets blended with water. Take after the directions on the bundle of whatever skim coat you utilize. On the off chance that you are filling in territories where it will be thicker you will need to fill those ranges with a thicker blend. Utilizing your stone work trowel spread the skim coat over the whole floor. This will fill in the ranges you expected to evacuate and additionally any surface in the current vinyl. Regardless of the fact that you don’t have to remove any ranges, your new vinyl will suck up tight to the old ground surface so much that you will see the composition of the old floor come through to your new floor. This is a vital stride and is the thing that makes laying vinyl flooring over vinyl flooring conceivable.
  6. Wrap it up, you’re accomplished for around 14-18 hours relying upon to what extent your skim coat item needs to set and dry.
  7. Since your skim coat has dried. Investigate the surface. Utilizing your trowel scratch off any trickles or any lines you exited. The way to the skim coat is to get it flawlessly level as could be allowed.