What is Lead?

It is a natural occurring metal and found under the Earth’s surface. It is also present there in the form of mixtures, compounds and ore. It can also be found in the water with some concentration and can be removed by filtering it. Similarly lead pipes were commonly before identification of its effects on health. Nowadays Lead free tapware for Kitchen and bathrooms are being made by different companies and brands. But still it is found in different items such as in Paints of older homes, pumped water through leaded pipes, contaminated soil and in some inexpensive metal jewelry. Human body consumes it in many ways. Some the common ways are to breathe in the lead painted house, drinking contaminated water, eating the food in lead dishes and to cook the food with lead contaminated water.

How it was used in House Renovation?

Before Thirty years, it was a part of common life and that was the time when its harmful effects on human body were not found. It was being used everywhere whether it was a house, office or farms. It was widely present into the fuels. In the house renovation, most of the things which were used are made of lead. For example, Lead pipes were used in the house to get the water from underground surface and there was no proper filtration system which could separate lead from water and it was more contaminated when coming to lead pipes. The paints which were used in the houses for renovation contained lead element. It was as like as we were breathing the lead into our lungs and drinking the lead by using contaminated water with high concentration of lead. Similarly we were using lead tap wares which were very dangerous for health. But now we can easily find the lead free tapware in Perth, Sydney, Brisbane, and Melbourne etc.

How does it effect on human body?

It has very harmful effects on human body whether adults or children. It can cause the fatal diseases. It is especially harmful for children under 5 years because their body is still in developing process and such children have habit to put many things in mouth which can contain lead. It can cause ADHD, delayed puberty and decreasing in hearing in Children and Cancer, disordering in nervous system and fertility problems in adults.