Painters in Nelson have a reputation as an inexpensive option for home painting. But that’s before the paint is dry. Hiring a professional painter is not as simple as posting a job on Trademe or ringing a painting company. There are many factors to consider, which cannot be easy to know.

Skills, Experience, Style, and Price:

It’s important to ask painters about their skills, experience, and style. If they have been painting in Nelson for many years, they’ll know what works best in different situations and how to get the best result from different types of paint. They should also be able to offer advice on color choices and how much paint is needed for your project.

Insurance Coverage:

You must ensure that your painter has adequate insurance coverage for any damage they might cause while working on your property. An experienced, reputable painter will have no problem providing this information upfront. However, if they are unable or unwilling to provide such details, it may be wise to look elsewhere for someone more reliable.

Painters Don’t Just Paint Walls:

Many people think that painters only paint walls, but they do much more than that. Before starting work, they should be able to advise on colors and design options for the whole room or house. They should also help with wallpaper removal if necessary. They should also be able to offer advice on how best to clean up after themselves during the job and what materials are safe.

Painters in Nelson

Is the Nelson Painter Fully Qualified?

A homeowner should ask whether their prospective painter has been trained by one of New Zealand’s leading training organizations, such as NZQA or SCOPE Education Limited (formerly CPIT). They should also ask whether their painter has achieved a Certificate in Painting and Decorating (Level 5) or equivalent qualification at NZQA level 1.

Get References:

Before you hire someone, ask them for references from past customers who have had work done in similar situations or homes to yours. A good reference will give you peace of mind that they’ve done good work before and will do so again for you.


It’s worth taking the time to consider all the options available and ensure you get the right result for your home. However, the ideal situation would be to find an affordable team of painters in Nelson who are both professional and reasonably priced.

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