A raised garden is a garden that is built on top of the ground rather than being planted in the ground. Raised gardens have a number of benefits over traditional gardens, including improved drainage, easier maintenance, and better pest control.

If you are thinking about starting a garden, or if you are looking for ways to improve your existing garden, then consider the following benefits of raised gardens.

  • Improved Drainage:

One of the biggest benefits of raised gardens is that they help with drainage. If your soil is too wet or too dry, it can make it difficult for your plants to grow properly.

When you grow your plants in a raised bed, however, this problem will be avoided because water will easily drain from the soil into an area below the surface where it can be absorbed by roots instead of remaining stagnant at the top of the ground.

This means that even if rain falls during planting season or during winter months when there is no rain at all, you won’t have to worry about flooding or poor drainage affecting your crops’ growth patterns!

  • Easier Access:

Raised gardens in NZ are much easier to access than Rustic Flower traditional gardens. People with mobility issues can easily reach a raised garden without having to struggle with climbing over a fence or stepping into a hole.

These gardens are also suitable for those who have physical disabilities, such as arthritis, muscular dystrophy, or multiple sclerosis.

Raised gardens

  • Keeps Animals Away:

The raised height of a raised garden makes it less attractive to animals like rabbits and deer. The animals won’t be able to dig through your soil because they won’t be able to reach it.

They also won’t be able to jump over the fence because it will be too high for them. This means that you will have fewer weeds and pests in your garden because the animals won’t be able to get at them!

  • Fewer Weeds:

Raised beds also make it easier to control weeds because they do not have any space for weeds to grow underneath them as traditional gardens do. With less space for weeds to grow, there are fewer weeds in your raised bed, which makes it easier for you to maintain your garden without having to spend too much time weeding each day.


Raised gardens have a number of benefits over traditional gardens, including improved drainage, easier maintenance, and better pest control.

For further information visit this website!