If you’re looking for a way to update your bathroom without spending a lot of money, then installing a shower door is a great option! Not only will shower door installation add a touch of luxury, but it will also make your bathroom more functional and easier to clean.

Installing a shower door is a relatively simple process that can be completed in just a few hours. In fact, you can easily do it yourself with just a few tools and some basic knowledge of home improvement. Keep reading to learn how to install a shower door in 5 simple steps!

  1. Measure the opening:

The first thing you’ll want to do is measure the size of your opening. This will help you determine the size of the shower door that will fit best and give you an idea of how much space you have for installing it. You should also measure any obstructions in the way, such as pipes or other fixtures.

  1. Select your door:

Once you know how big your opening is, it’s time to select a shower door! There are many different styles and colours of bathroom shower doors available on the market, but our favourite design is frameless glass doors because they look modern and sleek without taking up too much space.

If you don’t like the look of frameless doors or are worried about them sliding around too much in your bathroom, then consider getting one with a small frame around the edges. This will help prevent leaks (if there are any) while still giving your room a modern look.

shower door installation

  1. Prepare the area:

In order to install your new shower door, you will need to first prepare the area. This means removing any old fixtures that are currently in place and ensuring that everything is clean and dry. If there are any pipes or wires in the way, make sure they are moved out of the way before proceeding to step four.

  1. Install your new door:

You will need to install a shower door track on either side of the tub or shower. You can use a drill with a masonry bit or an impact driver and hammer drill bit, depending on what type of surface you’re working with. You’ll also need a caulk and a silicone caulking gun.

  1. Clean up!

Once everything has been installed, make sure all your tools are put away and everything is cleaned up before getting in the shower!

Shower door installation is easier than you think. With just a few simple steps, you can install your very own shower door!

Related Source: Glass Deck Railings , Custom Glass Railings