Looking for stone repairs Melbourne when you first install marble, it will appear polished, shiny, and with a unique and beautiful appearance that’s only found in a natural stone. However, preserving this special and natural look isn’t easy. The marble needs proper and regular cleaning and maintenance to keep it looking new and this is where stone repairs Melbourne comes in.

What Stone Repairs Melbourne Involves

Stain Removal

Protecting, cleaning, and maintaining the polished appearance of marble is very important. This stone needs protection from all sorts of harsh cleaning chemicals, acids found in cooking products, and soaps. A lot of people fail to realize how straightforward it is to damage marble tiles with just shaving creams, normal shampoo, or acidic food products.

Stone Repairs Melbourne:

Typical everyday cooking products like vinegar, lemon juice, and wine can stain and greatly damage the polished marble finish. And when marble is stained or etched, it’s impossible to get rid of these stains and etch marks using usual cleaning products and methods. When you call in the marble cleaning professionals, they will utilize gentle cleaners on marble surfaces and advice you to immediately wipe away spills and contaminates to prevent them from destroying the polish finish.

Stone Repairs Melbourne


It’s extremely important to seal marble, especially on counter-tops, floors, and showers. Marble isn’t as dense as other stones like granite. That means that stains and spills can easily be absorbed into this stone. Sealing it will help protect it from absorbing contaminants and stains.

Moreover, sealing will protect the finish from becoming damaged by acidic products. Nevertheless, you should know that sealing isn’t the ultimate solution for preventing etch marks. It won’t prevent marble from scratches and any dulling effects of feet, especially on high traffic areas. But, sealing is still an excellent way of protecting the stone’s natural beauty from becoming etched and preventing it from absorbing contaminants and stains.

Final Thought – Need for Regular Maintenance

Even with stringent care and maintenance, marble will still lose its glossy look over time. Micro abrasions and scratches in the finish will end up causing it to lose the shiny and reflective look it had when it was new. For that reason, marble has to be polished regularly to restore the glossy and shiny appearance that it originally had.

Polishing marble should be part of the regular maintenance plan that’s needed for this natural stone. Stone repairs Melbourne will remove the scratches and small abrasive marks that prevent the bright, glossy, and polished look from prevailing. For more information visit our Website.