Municipalities are responsible for installing traffic signals, signs and laws that allow for safe travel. Many of the restrictions in effect result in cars sitting and idling for extended periods needlessly.

The intent may be to eliminate risks of accidents even you find High Pressure Gas Locators, but the impact is to create a financial burden on drivers, as a car that idles for an hour will waste one gallon of gas.

Timers on Traffic Lights

Most traffic lights are designed to result in improved traffic flow, by regulating the number of cars that can go through the light from different directions in an intersection. The lights should be timed to allow more traffic from busier streets to move, in comparison to the less from busy street in the intersection. This is not always the case.

The colors on the lights are green for go, yellow for caution and red for stop. The lights are installed to allow cars from the less busy street to cross or enter the busy street. The lights are often set for the busiest times of day, such as rush hour, or from 7 am to 9 am and 4 pm to 6 pm.

What happens is that during other times, cars that could easily cross are forced to wait until the light changes. This requires all cars from the other directions to stop. By the time the process is complete; all cars have needlessly idled at the light.

The answer for this is outside of rush hour, to have lights switched to flashing yellow, signifying caution, for the major road, and flashing red, temporary stop, for the minor road. This would be most helpful late in the evening.

Left Turn Signal Issues

The problem is exacerbated at intersections with left turn signals. Some intersections are set up so that each of the four or more points of traffic gets a green light independently. Only one side can go at a time.

Even if there is obviously no oncoming traffic, proceeding through the light is a traffic violation. The answer here is to adjust the lights to allow cars to proceed if there is no oncoming traffic.

The misguided attempt to reduce accidents by completely taking away the driver’s judgment wastes gas and contributes to cars continuing through the light after it changes.

Other Traffic Issues

  • Signals for intersections very close to one another are not timed, so that cars go for a very short time and then are stopped again shortly, or that traffic cannot go through the intersection because of a back-up at the next one.
  • Most areas allow right turns on red with caution, but some intersections have “no turn on red” signs that prevent turning even if the view allows for the driver to make a safe turn.
  • Left turn lanes are purposely made very short, long enough for only three or four cars, causing autos to wait in the main lane, backing up traffic, or resulting in cars illegally crossing yellow lines to reach the turn lane.

What Drivers Can Do to Save Gasoline

Motorists should pay attention, and drive immediately after the light has changed and the way is clear, allowing as many cars to make it through the light. Avoid distractions such as cell-phones and be ready.

Always obey the traffic laws in effect, and work with your local government to change intersections that place an unnecessary burden on consumer finances and the dependence on foreign oil.